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Schumer SAFE Innovation plan seeks responsible AI

Senator Schumer urged Congressional action on responsible AI, proposing a SAFE Innovation framework and collaborative insight forums.
By admin
Jun 28, 2023, 2:50 PM

Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer’s SAFE Innovation framework proposes a comprehensive framework for fostering responsible artificial intelligence (AI) development in the United States. Speaking at a Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) June event, he highlighted the significance of ethical considerations, national security, and collaborative platforms such as insight forums in shaping the future of AI.

“AI promises to transform life on earth for the better. It will shape how we fight disease, how we tackle hunger, manage our lives, enrich our minds, and ensure peace,” Schumer said. “But there are real dangers too – job displacement, misinformation, a new age of weaponry, the risk of being unable to manage this technology altogether.”

Recognizing the potential of AI to impact society, the framework aims to ensure that AI technologies are designed and utilized in a manner that prioritizes safety, fairness, and transparency. By incorporating ethical frameworks, Schumer seeks to address concerns related to bias, privacy, and accountability, paving the way for responsible AI innovation.

SAFE Innovation acknowledges the critical role AI plays in national security and highlights the need for safeguarding American interests. It proposes the establishment of an interagency process to assess and mitigate risks associated with AI technologies. According to Schumer, this approach would ensure that AI is developed and deployed responsibly, protecting against vulnerabilities that could be exploited by adversaries. By prioritizing national security, he strives to maintain the United States’ technological edge in the global landscape.

Overall, Schumer’s message drove home the urgent need for Congress to act now and secure the nation’s place as a leader in this tech revolution.

“If we don’t program these algorithms to align with our values, they could be used to undermine our democratic foundations, especially our electoral processes,” he warned.

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Boosting innovation and economic growth

The SAFE Innovation framework recognizes the significance of robust funding for AI research and development (R&D). It would support breakthrough discoveries and transformative innovations by increasing funding for AI R&D programs. Adequate funding is critical for advancing AI capabilities, enabling researchers and innovators to tackle complex problems and drive innovation across various sectors.

Schumer’s plan acknowledges the role of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in driving innovation and economic growth. It is designed to support SMEs in adopting and utilizing AI technologies responsibly. According to Schumer, reducing regulatory burdens and streamlining access to AI resources and expertise will empower SMEs to leverage AI’s potential while adhering to ethical guidelines. This support fosters a thriving ecosystem for AI-driven entrepreneurship and strengthens the overall competitiveness of SMEs.

Protecting AI Intellectual Property (IP)

The SAFE Innovation framework recognizes the importance of protecting intellectual property (IP) rights in AI. The legislation proposes robust measures to combat IP theft, counterfeiting, and unauthorized technology transfers in the AI domain. Strengthening enforcement mechanisms and enhancing international cooperation, the act safeguards the IP rights of AI innovators. This protection creates an environment that encourages continued AI research and development by providing the necessary incentives and safeguards for innovators to thrive.

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Insight forums on America’s AI’s future

Along with debuting this act SAFE Innovation Act is the proposal to create insight forums, which serve as collaborative platforms for AI advancements. These forums would bring together experts from academia, industry, and government to exchange knowledge, foster innovation, and address emerging challenges in AI development. The act recognizes the importance of public-private collaboration and knowledge-sharing in driving AI progress. Through these insight forums, stakeholders can collectively shape AI policies and strategies while fostering an environment of cooperation and innovation.

Schumer said he has gathered a bipartisan group of senators — Martin Heinrich (D-NM), Todd Young (R-IN), and Mike Rounds (R-SD) — to help him lead the insight forums. Beginning in September that will cover a range of topics, including copyright and intellectual property (IP), AI innovation, and privacy and liability.


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