Webinar: How to Make Techquity a Reality

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Aug 10, 2023, 11:02 AM

Hospitals and health systems dedicated to improving health equity face ongoing challenge of providing comprehensive healthcare to each patient. With the increasing adoption of digital tools and technologies, this mission has become even more complex. However, these technologies can be harnessed to personalize care by taking into account individual patient needs, preferences, and circumstances. By leveraging these technologies, we have the potential to revolutionize healthcare and drive positive changes in healthcare. This is the heart of techquity.

In this webinar, scheduled for Sept. 13, 12 to 1 pm EST, Divurgent’s Joe Grinstead, executive vice president of delivery, and Dana Locke, vice president of delivery, will discuss how healthcare organizations can improve techquity — designing and implementing technology to ensure equitable access to quality healthcare for all individuals — and the potential impact on patient populations.

Register now for unique opportunity to discover the intersection of technology, equity, and healthcare with Divurgent and be a part of the movement toward a more inclusive healthcare system.

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