Healthcare digital adoption programs for better app support

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Oct 10, 2022, 1:09 PM

The digital transformation of healthcare has brought tons of new technologies into the clinician-patient relationship, with some U.S. hospitals employing more than 200 healthcare software applications. Use of these require IT app support for clinicians who are focused on caring for their patients. The National Institutes of health (NIH) reported 70% of EHR users face IT-related stress, and strains on clinicians’ time nearly triples the chance of burnout compared to clinician not pressed for time.

Following the “Do no harm” creed, providers need to ensure technology is helping, not hurting staff workload and patient care. Service desks have been popular solutions for app support, but they can be a time suck and the cost can be high. Likewise, at-the-elbow (ATE) or go-live approaches can provide immediate support, but the exorbitant cost meant this couldn’t be a permanent solution, meaning support would taper and leave clinicians stressful again.

The better solution for app support may be healthcare digital adoption programs (DAPs), which can drive app adoption, improve user satisfaction and experience, and provide insights on the ROI of each enterprise app.

In this eBook, you will learn about:

  • The tools and benefits of a healthcare DAP
  • Integration of DAP with your core apps such as EHRs, ERP and HRMs
  • What to look for in a DAP vendor

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