5 steps to successful alarm management

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Jul 21, 2022, 2:33 PM

With more medical devices generating alarms – and numerous alerts coming from nurse call systems and the electronic medical record – caregivers are inundated with a cacophony of beeps, buzzes and chimes. It’s no surprise they can be overwhelmed or desensitized to the sound of alarms and may turn them down or even off. This can imperil patient safety and is the reason why it is important to understand how the core equipment impacts caregivers every day.

Tackling the complexities of alarm management requires a system-wide approach that depends on data and staff feedback to measure its success.

In this white paper you will learn how to:

  • Conduct a medical device inventory
  • Understand your device parameters
  • Assess the risk for each type of alarm
  • Evaluate clinical workflows
  • Analyze your alarm data

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