5 Steps to Combat Ransomware in Healthcare

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Feb 23, 2024, 2:53 PM

The attacks keep coming. Every 11 seconds a new organization is hit with a ransomware attempt. Insurance policies may help healthcare organizations (HCOs) cover some costs associated with recovering and restoring data, this is nowhere near the comprehensive protection and recovery safety net needed — and paying ransoms fuels future such attacks and may incur fines from U.S. federal authorities.

If they are to protect invaluable patient data, mitigate risk, and improve chances of swift recovery, HCOs need to match the growing sophistication of ransomware criminals.

This solution brief from Pure Storage provides a five-step framework to achieve the level of protection and readiness needed in today’s healthcare cyber environment. Register and download this brief today to learn how to:

  • Reduce exposure via maintenance, monitoring, and detection.
  • Thwart attempts to delete backup data by using snapshots and encryption.
  • Respond, recover, and evolve quickly after a ransomware attack.

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