2023 Most Wired Administrative and Supply Chain Segment Report

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Jan 16, 2024, 2:38 PM

Digital Health Most Wired survey

The annual CHIME Digital Health Most Wired (DHMW) survey is a significant digital health “north star” that healthcare organizations (HCOs) have relied upon for years. Reflecting the digital profiles of approximately 40% of U.S. hospitals, the array of HCOs included in the 2023 DHMW survey is representative of the known US Health System landscape.

Acceleration of data usage

In a digital health world shaped by Meaningful Use, HCOs have largely moved on from focusing on their data capture and storage capabilities to improving outcomes. In this environment, leveraging data emerges as a critical activity in the realization of improved operational and clinical outcomes. This “acceleration of data usage” was evident in all eight sections of the survey, including the Analytics and Data Management section.

Admin & Supply Chain Segment Trends Report

To help make sense of the Administrative and Supply Chain findings in the 2023 DHMW survey and the healthcare administrative and supply chain markets in general, this report provides a “deeper dive” into three broad issues covered in this section: inventory management, financial management and personnel management. We uncovered several factors reinforcing the critical role technology plays in optimizing an HCO’s administrative and supply chain performance — a role poised to grow in importance as HCOs are continually challenged to realize cost savings.

Download the report today to learn more about how:

  • Technology plays a critical role in optimizing performance in areas like inventory management, financial management, and personnel management.
  • HCOs are increasingly automating supply chain processes such as reordering pharmaceuticals and medical/surgical supplies.
  • Financial management practices are well-supported by technology, with most HCOs using systems to manage revenue cycle and payer activities.
  • Technology is being used to improve human resource management, such as with employee management tools and computer-based clinical education offerings.

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2024 Digital Health Most Wired National Trends Report

By admin
Jan 6, 2025, 11:38 AM